Flutter Stuff

Title: Resolving errno = 111 in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

Title: Resolving errno = 111 in Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide


When developing mobile applications with Flutter, encountering errors is inevitable. One such error that can be frustrating is errno = 111. This error typically occurs when trying to establish a network connection or accessing a file. In this article, we’ll delve into the causes of errno = 111 in Flutter, provide solutions, and offer code examples to help you overcome this issue.

What is errno = 111?

errno = 111, also known as ETIMEDOUT or ‘Connection timed out,’ is an error that occurs when a program or application fails to establish a network connection within a specified time frame. This error can arise from various sources, such as:

  • Network issues: Outdated networks, slow network speeds, or unstable connections can lead to errno = 111.
  • Server unavailability: If the server you’re trying to connect to is down or unresponsive, you’ll encounter an errno = 111 error.
  • Firewall or proxy settings: Firewall or proxy settings can sometimes block the connection or hinder it, resulting in an errno = 111 error.

Causes of errno = 111 in Flutter

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s essential to understand the possible causes of errno = 111 in Flutter:

  • Internet Connection: Ensure you have a stable internet connection. If you’re using a proxy or VPN, disable it temporarily to rule out any connectivity issues.
  • Network Configuration: Check that the network settings on your device are correct. Make sure the device is connected to a working Wi-Fi network or has mobile data enabled.
  • Server or API: Verify that the server or API you’re trying to connect to is up and running. You can use tools like Postman or cURL to test the server.
  • Flutter Version: Ensure you’re running the latest version of Flutter. You can check for updates in the Flutter Dartup tool or SDK Manager.

Resolving errno = 111 in Flutter

Here are some solutions to help you resolve errno = 111 in Flutter:

Solution 1: Use a ReTry Function

You can use a retry function to attempt the network request multiple times. This approach helps handle temporary network issues.


import ‘package:http/http.dart’ as http;

Future fetchDataWithRetry() async {

int retryCount = 0;

const maxRetries = 5;

while (retryCount < maxRetries) {

try {

final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(‘https://example.com/api/data’));

if (response.statusCode == 200) {

// Successful request

} else {

// Handle error



} catch (e) {

print(‘Error: $e’);


await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); // Wait 2 seconds before retrying





Solution 2: Use a Timer to Control Network Requests

Use a Timer to control the timing of network requests. This will ensure the request doesn’t fail due to a timeout.


import ‘dart:async’;

import ‘package:http/http.dart’ as http;

Future fetchDataWithTimer() async {

Completer completer = Completer();

Timer timer;

TimerCallback? _onError = (timer) {

print(‘Request timed out’);



timer?.cancel(); // Forget the previous if needed

timer = Timer(Duration(seconds: 10), _onError);

http.get(Uri.parse(‘https://example.com/api/data’)).then((data) {

timer?.cancel(); // If successful, cancel the next timer


}).catchError((e) {

print(‘Error: $e’);




Solution 3: Handle Server or API Issues

When working with APIs, ensure you handle any server-side errors by checking the HTTP status code of the response.


import ‘package:http/http.dart’ as http;

Future fetchDataWithErrorHandling() async {

final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(‘https://example.com/api/data’));

if (response.statusCode == 200) {

// Successful request

} else if (response.statusCode >= 400 && response.statusCode < 500) {

// Client error (e.g., unauthorized, forbidden, etc.)

} else if (response.statusCode >= 500 && response.statusCode < 600) {

// Server error

} else {

// Unrecognized status code





Resolving errno = 111 errors in Flutter can be frustrating, but the above solutions should help you overcome this issue. Always verify network connections, servers, and API settings before implementing any of these solutions. Additionally, consider using retry functions, timers, and error handling to improve the resilience of your application.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Q: What is errno = 111 in Flutter?

A: errno = 111 is an error that occurs when a network connection times out or fails to establish.

2. Q: How do I prevent errno = 111 in Flutter?

A: To prevent errno = 111, ensure you have a stable internet connection, correct network settings, and the server or API is up and running.

3. Q: What are the common causes of errno = 111 in Flutter?

A: Common causes of errno = 111 in Flutter include network issues, server unavailability, firewall or proxy settings, and server-side errors.

4. Q: Can I use a retry function to resolve errno = 111 in Flutter?

A: Yes, you can use a retry function to attempt the network request multiple times and improve the chance of a successful connection.

5. Q: How do I handle server-side errors when making HTTP requests in Flutter?

A: You can handle server-side errors by checking the HTTP status code of the response and implementing error handling logic accordingly.

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