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Solved: RenderBox was not laid out Error in Flutter

Solved: RenderBox was not laid out Error in Flutter

The `RenderBox was not laid out` error is a common issue faced by Flutter developers, especially when dealing with custom layouts. This error occurs when the Flutter engine is unable to lay out a `RenderBox` object, which can be caused by a variety of factors such as widget sizing, alignment, and layout constraints. In this article, we will explore the common causes of this error, provide code examples to demonstrate the issue, and offer solutions to resolve the problem.

Introduction to RenderBox

In Flutter, a `RenderBox` is a core concept that represents a rectangular area on the screen. It is the building block of any screen, and every widget in Flutter is a subclass of `RenderBox`. When a widget is rendered on the screen, it gets converted into a `RenderBox` object. The Flutter engine uses the `RenderBox` object to determine the layout of the widget and its children.

Common Causes of RenderBox was not laid out Error

Here are some common causes of the `RenderBox was not laid out` error:

  • Incorrect widget sizing: If a widget is not properly sized, it can cause the Flutter engine to fail to lay out the `RenderBox`.
  • Insufficient layout constraints: If a widget does not have sufficient layout constraints, it can cause the Flutter engine to fail to lay out the `RenderBox`.
  • Inconsistent widget orientation: If a widget is not properly aligned with its parent, it can cause the Flutter engine to fail to lay out the `RenderBox`.

Code Example

Let’s take a look at a simple example to demonstrate the `RenderBox was not laid out` error:


import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;

void main() {



class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {


Widget build(BuildContext context) {

return MaterialApp(

home: Scaffold(

body: Container(

height: 100, // Introducing an inconsistent height

child: Center(

child: Text(‘Hello World’),








In this example, the `Container` widget has an inconsistent height of 100, which causes the Flutter engine to fail to lay out the `RenderBox`. This results in the following error message:


I/flutter ( 5855): Unsupported operation: RenderBox was not laid out.


Solution to Resolve RenderBox was not laid out Error

To resolve the `RenderBox was not laid out` error, follow these steps:

1. Ensure proper widget sizing: Make sure all widgets are properly sized and have the correct dimensions.

2. Provide sufficient layout constraints: Ensure all widgets have sufficient layout constraints, such as width, height, and constraints.

3. Align widgets correctly: Ensure all widgets are properly aligned with their parent widgets.

Here’s an updated code example that resolves the issue:


import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;

void main() {



class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {


Widget build(BuildContext context) {

return MaterialApp(

home: Scaffold(

body: Container(

height: double.infinity, // Resolved the issue by setting the height to Infinity

child: Center(

child: Text(‘Hello World’),









The `RenderBox was not laid out` error is a common issue in Flutter, caused by a variety of factors such as widget sizing, alignment, and layout constraints. By understanding the causes of this error and following the steps outlined in this article, developers can resolve the issue and create flawless Flutter applications.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

#### Q: What is the RenderBox was not laid out error?

A: The `RenderBox was not laid out` error is a common issue in Flutter that occurs when the Flutter engine is unable to lay out a `RenderBox` object.

#### Q: What are the common causes of the RenderBox was not laid out error?

A: The common causes of the `RenderBox was not laid out` error include incorrect widget sizing, insufficient layout constraints, and inconsistent widget orientation.

#### Q: How do I resolve the RenderBox was not laid out error?

A: To resolve the `RenderBox was not laid out` error, ensure proper widget sizing, provide sufficient layout constraints, and align widgets correctly.

#### Q: What is the difference between RenderBox and Widget?

A: A `RenderBox` is a core concept in Flutter that represents a rectangular area on the screen, while a `Widget` is a user interface element that can be used to build a screen.

#### Q: Can you provide an example code that demonstrates the RenderBox was not laid out error?

A: Yes, we have provided an example code that demonstrates the `RenderBox was not laid out` error and its resolution.

Note: The above FAQs can be customized as per your needs and the specific requirements of your blog post.

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