Flutter Stuff

[Solved] ExpansionPanel can’t be assigned to the list type ’Widget’

**Error Solved: ExpansionPanel can’t be assigned to the list type ‘Widget’**

Hey there, fellow Flutter developers! Are you stuck with an error that’s driving you crazy? Today, we’re going to tackle a common issue that many of us have faced: “ExpansionPanel can’t be assigned to the list type ‘Widget'”.

**What’s the issue?**

If you’re building a custom list in Flutter and trying to use ExpansionPanel as one of your widgets, you might encounter this error. The issue arises when you’re trying to assign the ExpansionPanel to a list type, which doesn’t seem to be compatible. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

**Solving the issue**

To resolve this error, you can use the `ExpansionPanelList` widget, which is specifically designed for handling multiple ExpansionPanel widgets. Here’s an example of how you can use it:

expansionCallback: (int index, bool isExpanded) {
setState(() {
isExpandedList[index] = !isExpandedList[index];
children: List.generate(4, (int index) {
return ExpansionPanel(
headerBuilder: (BuildContext context, bool isExpanded) {
return ListTile(
title: Text(‘Header $index’),
body: ListTile(
title: Text(‘Body $index’),
canExpand: true,

In this example, `ExpansionPanelList` is used to create a list of ExpansionPanel widgets. The `expansionCallback` function is used to toggle the expansion state of each panel, and the `children` property is used to add the ExpansionPanel widgets.

**Why does this work?**

`ExpansionPanelList` is specifically designed to handle multiple ExpansionPanel widgets, which makes it compatible with the list type. By using `ExpansionPanelList` instead of trying to assign the ExpansionPanel directly to the list, you’re able to resolve the error and create a custom list with ExpansionPanel widgets.


That’s it! I hope this helps you resolve the issue and continue building your Flutter app without any difficulties. Remember, it’s always a good idea to check the official Flutter documentation and online communities for any common issues you might encounter. Happy coding!

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