Flutter Stuff

How to Show Time Picker on TextField Tap and Get Formatted Time in Flutter

How to Show Time Picker on TextField Tap and Get Formatted Time in Flutter


Flutter is a popular framework for building cross-platform applications. It provides a wide range of widgets and tools to create user-friendly and engaging interfaces. One common requirement in many applications is to display a time picker when a text field is tapped and get the formatted time. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this in Flutter.

Understanding the Requirement

To show a time picker on text field tap and get the formatted time, we need to use the `showTimePicker` function provided by Flutter. This function returns a `TimeOfDay` object, which contains the selected hour and minute.

Implementing the Solution

To implement the solution, we will create a `TextField` widget and use the `onTap` property to call the `showTimePicker` function. We will also use the `TextEditingController` to get the selected time and format it.


import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;

class TimePickerExample extends StatefulWidget {


TimePickerExampleState createState() => TimePickerExampleState();


class _TimePickerExampleState extends State {

final TextEditingController _controller = TextEditingController();

TimeOfDay _selectedTime;

Future _selectTime(BuildContext context) async {

final TimeOfDay? picked = await showTimePicker(

context: context,

initialTime: TimeOfDay.now(),


if (picked != null) {

setState(() {

_selectedTime = picked;

controller.text = ‘${selectedTime.hour}:${_selectedTime.minute}’;





Widget build(BuildContext context) {

return Scaffold(

body: Center(

child: TextField(

controller: _controller,

onTap: () {



decoration: const InputDecoration(

border: OutlineInputBorder(),

labelText: ‘Select Time’,








Formatting the Time

To format the time, we can use the `hour` and `minute` properties of the `TimeOfDay` object. We can also use the `intl` package to format the time according to the locale.


import ‘package:intl/intl.dart’;

// …

_controller.text = DateFormat(‘hh:mm a’).format(DateTime(









In this article, we have explored how to show a time picker on text field tap and get the formatted time in Flutter. We have used the `showTimePicker` function and `TextEditingController` to achieve this. We have also formatted the time using the `intl` package.


1. How do I show a time picker in Flutter?

You can use the `showTimePicker` function provided by Flutter to show a time picker.

2. How do I get the selected time from the time picker?

You can use the `TimeOfDay` object returned by the `showTimePicker` function to get the selected hour and minute.

3. How do I format the time in Flutter?

You can use the `intl` package to format the time according to the locale.

4. Can I customize the time picker in Flutter?

Yes, you can customize the time picker by using the `initialTime` property and other properties provided by the `showTimePicker` function.

5. Is the time picker available for both iOS and Android platforms?

Yes, the time picker is available for both iOS and Android platforms in Flutter.

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