Flutter Stuff

How to make Bezier Curve waves using custom clip Path in Flutter

How to make Bezier Curve waves using custom clip Path in Flutter


Bezier curves are a fundamental concept in computer graphics, allowing designers to create smooth, flowing shapes. In Flutter, developers can utilize custom clip paths to create complex shapes, including Bezier curve waves. This article will guide you through the process of making Bezier curve waves using custom clip paths in Flutter.

Understanding Bezier Curves

Bezier curves are mathematical representations of curves that can be used to model smooth, flowing shapes. They are defined by a set of control points that determine the shape of the curve. In the context of Flutter, Bezier curves can be used to create custom clip paths that can be applied to widgets.

Creating a Custom Clip Path

To create a custom clip path in Flutter, you can use the `ClipPath` widget. This widget takes a `clipper` property, which is an object that defines the shape of the clip path. To create a Bezier curve wave, you will need to define a custom clipper class that extends the `CustomClipper` class.

Implementing the Bezier Curve Wave

Here is an example of how you can create a custom clipper class to define a Bezier curve wave:


class BezierCurveWaveClipper extends CustomClipper {


Path getClip(Size size) {

Path path = Path();

path.moveTo(0, size.height);


size.width / 4,

size.height – 50,

size.width – size.width / 4,

size.height – 50,




return path;



bool shouldReclip(CustomClipper oldClipper) => false;



This clipper defines a Bezier curve wave that spans the width of the widget, with a smooth curve that peaks at the center.

Applying the Custom Clip Path

To apply the custom clip path to a widget, you can use the `ClipPath` widget and pass an instance of your custom clipper class to the `clipper` property:



clipper: BezierCurveWaveClipper(),

child: Container(

width: 300,

height: 200,

color: Colors.blue,




This will apply the Bezier curve wave clip path to the container widget, creating a smooth, flowing shape.


In this article, we have explored how to create Bezier curve waves using custom clip paths in Flutter. By defining a custom clipper class and applying it to a widget using the `ClipPath` widget, you can create complex, smooth shapes that can be used to enhance the visual appeal of your app.


1. What is a Bezier curve?

A Bezier curve is a mathematical representation of a curve that can be used to model smooth, flowing shapes.

2. How do I create a custom clip path in Flutter?

You can create a custom clip path in Flutter by defining a custom clipper class that extends the `CustomClipper` class.

3. What is the `ClipPath` widget?

The `ClipPath` widget is a Flutter widget that applies a custom clip path to its child widget.

4. How do I define a Bezier curve wave in Flutter?

You can define a Bezier curve wave in Flutter by creating a custom clipper class that defines a Bezier curve using the `cubicTo` method.

5. Can I use Bezier curve waves in my Flutter app?

Yes, you can use Bezier curve waves in your Flutter app by following the steps outlined in this article and applying the custom clip path to a widget using the `ClipPath` widget.

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