Flutter Stuff

How to Draw Route Direction Polylines on Google Map in Flutter

How to Draw Route Direction Polylines on Google Map in Flutter



In today’s world, navigation and mapping have become an essential part of our daily lives. With the increasing need for mobile applications that can provide accurate and real-time navigation, many developers have turned to Google Maps. However, there is a huge demand for customizing Google Maps in mobile applications to meet the specific needs of various businesses and individuals. This leads to the requirement of drawing route direction polylines on Google Maps in Flutter, a popular cross-platform development framework. In this article, we will explore how to draw route direction polylines on Google Maps in Flutter, including the necessary setup, code, and practical examples.

Setting up Google Maps in Flutter

Before we start drawing route direction polylines on Google Maps, we need to set up Google Maps in Flutter. Follow these steps to set up Google Maps in your Flutter project:

Step 1: Add Google Maps Provider

To use Google Maps in Flutter, you need to add the Google Maps provider to your project. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal:


flutter pub add googlemapsflutter


Step 2: Import Necessary Packages

Now that you have added the Google Maps provider, you need to import the necessary packages in your Flutter project. Add the following imports to your project:


import ‘package:flutter/material.dart’;

import ‘package:googlemapsflutter/googlemapsflutter.dart’;


Step 3: Set up Google Maps in Your Flutter Widget

To set up Google Maps in your Flutter widget, you can use the GoogleMap widget provided by the Google Maps provider. Here is an example of how you can use the GoogleMap widget:


class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {


Widget build(BuildContext context) {

return MaterialApp(

home: MapScreen(),




class MapScreen extends StatefulWidget {


MapScreenState createState() => MapScreenState();


class _MapScreenState extends State {

final GoogleMapController _mapController = GoogleMapController();


Widget build(BuildContext context) {

return Scaffold(

body: GoogleMap(

onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {

_mapController = controller;


initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(

target: LatLng(37.7749, -122.4194),

zoom: 12,







Drawing Route Direction Polylines on Google Maps

Now that we have set up Google Maps in Flutter, we can proceed to draw route direction polylines on Google Maps.

Step 1: Get the Route Direction Polylines

To draw route direction polylines on Google Maps, you first need to get the route direction polylines. You can use the Google Maps Directions API to get the route direction polylines. Here is an example of how you can use the Google Maps Directions API:


class _MapScreenState extends State {

List polylinePoints = [];

String origin = ‘37.7749,-122.4194’;

String destination = ‘37.8024,-122.4056’;


void initState() {


setState(() {




Future _getRouteDirectionPolylines() async {

final response = await http.get(Uri.https(‘maps.googleapis.com’, ‘/maps/api/directions/json’)

..queryParameters = {

‘origin’: origin,

‘destination’: destination,

‘mode’: ‘driving’,



final jsonresponse = jsonDecode(response.body);

final routeOverviews = jsonresponse[‘routes’];

setState(() {

polylinePoints = [];

for (final routeOverview in routeOverviews) {

final polylinePointsList = routeOverview[‘legs’][0][‘steps’];

for (final polylinePoints in polylinePointsList) {

polylinePoints.add(LatLng(polylinePoints[‘endlocation’][‘lat’], polylinePoints[‘endlocation’][‘lng’]));






Widget build(BuildContext context) {

return Scaffold(

body: GoogleMap(

markers: {


markerId: MarkerId(‘Origin Marker’),

position: LatLng(37.7749, -122.4194),

icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker,



markerId: MarkerId(‘Destination Marker’),

position: LatLng(37.8024, -122.4056),

icon: BitmapDescriptor.defaultMarker,



polylines: {


polylineId: PolylineId(‘Route Direction Polylines’),

points: polylinePoints,

color: Colors.blue,

width: 5,



onMapCreated: (GoogleMapController controller) {

_mapController = controller;


initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(

target: LatLng(37.7749, -122.4194),

zoom: 12,








In this article, we explored how to draw route direction polylines on Google Maps in Flutter. We first set up Google Maps in our Flutter project and then drew route direction polylines using the Google Maps Directions API.

Future Improvements

To further improve this code, you can consider the following:

  • Use a real-time map that updates the map location of the polyline as the user moves.
  • Use a cached polyline points to improve performance when drawing the polyline.
  • Add a loading indicator to display while fetching and parsing the route direction polylines.


1. Q: How to use Google Maps Directions API in Flutter?

A: You can use the Google Maps Directions API to get the route direction polylines by making a GET request to the Google Maps Directions API endpoint.

2. Q: How to draw polyline on Google Maps in Flutter?

A: You can draw a polyline on Google Maps in Flutter by using the Polyline widget provided by the Google Maps provider.

3. Q: What is the Google Maps Directions API?

A: The Google Maps Directions API is a service provided by Google Maps that returns directions between locations, along with the route and other information.

4. Q: How to get the Google Maps API key?

A: You can get the Google Maps API key by creating a project in the Google Cloud Console and enabling the Google Maps API.

5. Q: How to update the map location of the polyline as the user moves?

A: You can update the map location of the polyline as the user moves by fetching the new location of the user and updating the polyline points accordingly.

By following this guide, you can successfully draw route direction polylines on Google Maps in your Flutter project, which will allow your users to easily navigate to their desired location.

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