Flutter Stuff

How to add Password Input TextField in Flutter

How to add Password Input TextField in Flutter


Flutter is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications. When creating a login or registration form, it’s essential to include a secure way for users to enter their passwords. In this article, we’ll explore how to add a password input text field in Flutter.

What is a Password Input TextField

A password input text field is a type of text field that masks the user’s input, making it secure for sensitive information like passwords. This is achieved by replacing each character with a bullet or asterisk.

Adding a Password Input TextField in Flutter

To add a password input text field in Flutter, you can use the `TextField` widget and set the `obscureText` property to `true`. Here’s an example code snippet:



decoration: InputDecoration(

labelText: ‘Password’,

border: OutlineInputBorder(),


obscureText: true,



This will create a basic password input text field. You can further customize it by adding a hint text, error text, or changing the text style.

Customizing the Password Input TextField

You can customize the password input text field by using various properties available in the `TextField` widget. For example, you can add a hint text using the `hintText` property or change the text style using the `style` property.



decoration: InputDecoration(

labelText: ‘Password’,

border: OutlineInputBorder(),

hintText: ‘Enter your password’,


style: TextStyle(fontSize: 18),

obscureText: true,



Validation and Error Handling

It’s essential to validate the password input to ensure it meets the required criteria, such as minimum length or specific characters. You can use the `validator` property in the `Form` widget to validate the password input.



child: TextField(

decoration: InputDecoration(

labelText: ‘Password’,

border: OutlineInputBorder(),


obscureText: true,

validator: (value) {

if (value.length < 8) {

return ‘Password must be at least 8 characters long’;


return null;






In this article, we’ve explored how to add a password input text field in Flutter. By using the `TextField` widget and setting the `obscureText` property to `true`, you can create a secure way for users to enter their passwords. We’ve also discussed how to customize the password input text field and validate the input to ensure it meets the required criteria.


1. What is the purpose of the `obscureText` property in Flutter?

The `obscureText` property is used to mask the user’s input, making it secure for sensitive information like passwords.

2. How can I customize the password input text field in Flutter?

You can customize the password input text field by using various properties available in the `TextField` widget, such as `hintText`, `style`, and `decoration`.

3. How can I validate the password input in Flutter?

You can validate the password input by using the `validator` property in the `Form` widget.

4. What is the minimum length of a password in Flutter?

There is no default minimum length for a password in Flutter. However, you can set a minimum length by using the `validator` property in the `Form` widget.

5. Can I use a regex pattern to validate the password input in Flutter?

Yes, you can use a regex pattern to validate the password input in Flutter by using the `RegExp` class and the `validator` property in the `Form` widget.

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