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Flutter Restaurant And Food Delivery App UI Design in Flutter with Source Code

Restaurant And Food Delivery App UI Design using flutter

We build Flutter Restaurant/Food delivery app UI Kit to help you build a nice clean app for restaurants using Flutter which runs both Android and iOS. This kit comes packed with 25 beautifully designed screens and a hearty portion of deliciously responsive components. Also, we have skeleton loading and separate components for Android and iOS so that you feel the native experience.

All pages

Multiple screens are designed in this app and that is a fully functional app in the case of UI where you can find the UI code using the Flutter rich widgets first of all you will see the onboarding screen of the app.

Secondly, you will find the login and signup screen of the app that was supported with the google and facebook signup manually by email address and users can also change the password if they forget the password.

There is a home screen of the app where users can find the restaurants according to their location and there is also a featured partner optioned in the app where you can add the sponsored restaurant on the first home page of the screen.

There is the product or restaurant detailed view screen where user will be able to see the rating and distantace from your location and also the featured items of that particular resturant.


Table of Contents

Dependencies Used

There are the following packages used in this flutter project:

  • cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
  • flutter_svg: ^2.0.6
  • form_field_validator: ^1.1.0

Source Code

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