Flutter Stuff

How to Request Single or Multiple Permissions at Once in Flutter App

How to Request Single or Multiple Permissions at Once in Flutter App

Requesting permissions is a crucial aspect of developing mobile applications, especially when it comes to accessing sensitive features such as location, camera, or contacts. In Flutter, requesting permissions can be achieved using the permission_handler package.

Introduction to Permission Handling

Permission handling is an essential feature in mobile app development, as it allows developers to request access to various device features, ensuring a smooth user experience. The permission_handler package provides a simple and efficient way to handle permissions in Flutter apps.

Requesting Single Permission

To request a single permission, you can use the requestPermission function provided by the permission_handler package. Here’s an example of how to request the location permission:


import ‘package:permissionhandler/permissionhandler.dart’;

Future requestLocationPermission() async {

var status = await Permission.location.status;

if (status.isDenied) {

final permissionStatus = await Permission.location.request();

if (permissionStatus == PermissionStatus.granted) {

print(‘Location permission granted’);

} else {

print(‘Location permission denied’);





Requesting Multiple Permissions

Requesting multiple permissions at once can be achieved using the requestPermissions function. This function takes a list of permissions as an argument and returns a map with the permission status. Here’s an example of how to request multiple permissions:


import ‘package:permissionhandler/permissionhandler.dart’;

Future requestMultiplePermissions() async {

var permissions = [Permission.location, Permission.camera, Permission.contacts];

Map permissionStatus = await Permission.requestPermissions(permissions);

permissionStatus.forEach((permission, status) {

if (status == PermissionStatus.granted) {

print(‘$permission permission granted’);

} else {

print(‘$permission permission denied’);





Handling Permission Status

It’s essential to handle the permission status to ensure that your app behaves as expected. You can use the permissionStatus function to check the status of a permission. The permissionStatus function returns a PermissionStatus object, which has the following properties:

– granted: The permission is granted.

– denied: The permission is denied.

– restricted: The permission is restricted.

– limited: The permission is limited.

– permanentlyDenied: The permission is permanently denied.


Requesting single or multiple permissions at once in a Flutter app is a straightforward process using the permission_handler package. By following the examples provided in this article, you can easily integrate permission handling into your Flutter app, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Q: What is the purpose of the permission_handler package?

A: The permission_handler package is used to handle permissions in Flutter apps.

2. Q: How do I request a single permission in Flutter?

A: You can request a single permission using the requestPermission function provided by the permission_handler package.

3. Q: Can I request multiple permissions at once in Flutter?

A: Yes, you can request multiple permissions at once using the requestPermissions function.

4. Q: How do I handle the permission status in Flutter?

A: You can handle the permission status using the permissionStatus function, which returns a PermissionStatus object.

5. Q: What happens if a user permanently denies a permission?

A: If a user permanently denies a permission, you can direct them to the app settings to manually enable the permission.

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