Flutter Stuff

Converting Strings to Int or Double in Dart/Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide

Converting Strings to Int or Double in Dart/Flutter: A Comprehensive Guide


When working with strings in Dart or Flutter, there are instances when you need to convert a string to its integer or double equivalent. This can be particularly useful when dealing with user input, parsing data from APIs, or reading files. In this article, we will explore various ways to convert strings to integers or doubles in Dart/Flutter, including using the `num.dart` library, parsing attempts, and error handling.

Section 1: Using the `int.parse()` Method

The simplest way to convert a string to an integer in Dart is by using the `int.parse()` method.


String str = “123”;

int num = int.parse(str);

print(num); // Outputs: 123


However, this method throws a `FormatException` if the string cannot be parsed to an integer. To handle this situation, you can use a `try-catch` block.


String str = “abc”;

try {

int num = int.parse(str);


} catch (e) {

print(“Error: $e”);



The same approach applies to double parsing using `double.parse()`.


String str = “123.45”;

double num = double.parse(str);

print(num); // Outputs: 123.45


Section 2: Using the `tryParse()` Method

Both `int.parse()` and `double.parse()` methods require you to explicitly handle potential exceptions using `try-catch` blocks. For a more concise and null-safe approach, you can use the `tryParse()` method provided by the `int` and `double` classes.


String str = “abc”;

int? num = int.tryParse(str);

print(num); // Outputs: null

String str1 = “123”;

int? num1 = int.tryParse(str1);

print(num1); // Outputs: 123



String str = “abc”;

double? num = double.tryParse(str);

print(num); // Outputs: null

String str1 = “123.45”;

double? num1 = double.tryParse(str1);

print(num1); // Outputs: 123.45


Section 3: Rounding to Nearest Integer with `math.round()` Method

When working with doubles, you might need to convert them to integers. The `math.round()` function can be used for this purpose.


import ‘dart:math’;

double num = 123.567;

int roundedNum = num.round();

print(roundedNum); // Outputs: 124


Section 4: Exception Handling Best Practices

When converting strings to integers or doubles, always remember to handle potential exceptions to prevent unexpected app crashes.


String str = userEnteredInput;

try {

double value = double.parse(str);

// Process the entered value

} on FormatException catch (e) {

// Handle the exception when the input is not a valid number

print(“Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.”);



Section 5: Handling Empty Strings

An additional check is recommended for preventing the app from crashing due to an empty string being passed.


String str = userEnteredInput;

if (str.isEmpty) {

// Handle the empty string

print(“Please enter a valid number.”);

} else {

try {

double value = double.parse(str);

// Process the entered value

} on FormatException catch (e) {

// Handle the exception when the input is not a valid number

print(“Invalid input. Please enter a valid number.”);





Converting strings to integers or doubles is a fundamental operation in Dart and Flutter development. This article has walked you through various methods to achieve this, including using `int.parse()`, `double.parse()`, and the `tryParse()` method. Don’t forget to handle potential exceptions and edge cases, such as empty strings and invalid inputs.


1. How can I convert a string to an integer in Dart?

To convert a string to an integer in Dart, you can use the `int.parse()` method or the `tryParse()` method for a null-safe approach.

2. Why do I get a `FormatException` when trying to parse a string to an integer?

A `FormatException` occurs when the string cannot be converted to an integer. You can handle this exception using a `try-catch` block or the `tryParse()` method.

3. How do I round a double to its nearest integer in Dart?

To round a double to its nearest integer, you can use the `math.round()` function.

4. What is the main difference between `int.parse()` and `double.parse()`?

The main difference between `int.parse()` and `double.parse()` is that `int.parse()` expects the string to represent an integer, whereas `double.parse()` expects the string to represent a number that can be a decimal.

5. Why is it essential to handle exception when converting strings to numbers?

Handling exceptions is crucial when converting strings to numbers to prevent your app from crashing due to invalid inputs. This is particularly important in real-world applications where user input may be uncertain.

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